Dr. Nicolini is a Navy veteran and decorated combat medical officer, who was deployed on land, in the air and from the sea. He learned resiliency from the ground up during four combat deployments with the United States Marine Corps.
In addition to his full time work in emergency medicine, Dr. Nicolini also holds a doctorate in clinical psychology, and maintains a boutique mental health practice focused on physicians undergoing the stress of litigation. He further refined his understanding of complex mental health issues by completing an intensive four year post-graduate training program in academic psychoanalysis at the San Diego Psychoanalytic Center.
Dr. Nicolini’s unique understanding of high-risk medical practice and ideal mental health is based upon his experiences as the Officer in Charge (O.I.C.) of both the Shock Trauma Platoon and the Forward Resuscitative Surgical System during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
Dr. Nicolini’s deep understanding of Health Care Law, Physician Burn Out and Medical-Legal matters impacting health care providers is also based upon rigorous graduate studies in the law. In 2020 he earned an Executive Juris Doctorate (E.J.D.) from Purdue Global University, specializing in Health Care Law.
Links below are to articles related to the FRSS and STP:
“The U.S. Navy’s forward resuscitative surgery system during Operation Iraqi Freedom.”
“The United States Marine Corps Shock Trauma Platoon: the modern battlefield’s emergency room.”